
Looking for work? Welcome to Rossburn CDC’s Job Board!

Rossburn offers good employment opportunities! Find your new job here.

Are you looking for a job?

Browse through job listings here!

Are you looking for an employee?

Submit your job offer to our job board!

Other resources

Regional Employment Resource Centre

Check out Regional Employment Resource Centre for more job opportunities in the area. They also provide computers, training workshops and one-on-one assistance to help improve your prospects.

Click here for more information!

Education/Training Opportunity! Health Care Aide Program at Ste Rose du Lac. For more information, please contact Michelle Quennelle (mquennelle@pmh-mb.ca, 204-656-5654)

Check out Community Futures Parkland Inc.! Workshops and support for (potential) entrepreneurs

Fine prints:

  • Additional to employers adding job offers directly, Rossburn CDC seeks to add open jobs from different (external) sources. We do not have the capacity to double-check every job offer we find. Therefore, it cannot be guaranteed that listings are always 100% accurate nor that the job board displays every job available.
  • Potential applicants: This job board is for informational purpose only. To apply, you must contact the listed employer directly. Please do not inquire to Rossburn CDC for further information. Job listings are expiring automatically after 45 days. Watch for differing application deadlines in the job descriptions. Rossburn CDC cannot guarantee that you find all open positions in the area listed here. We encourage you to use other sources for your job search as well.
  • Employers: You are welcome to submit job listings. Please note that only job listings within a commuting distance will be approved. Rossburn CDC reserves the right to disapprove job listings. Your job listing expires automatically after 45 days. You can mention an application deadline in the job description. If you have trouble using the form to submit your job offer or edit afterwards, Rossburn CDC is there to help. Just send us an e-mail to cdcrossburn(at)gmail.com or contact us here and we submit / edit your job posting for you.