Education & Childcare
Rossburn Early Learners
Rossburn Early Learners is a non-profit, volunteer (Board) driven organization that consists of a Child Care Center and Nursery School located in Rossburn, Manitoba. Find more information on their website here. To contact Rossburn Early Learners directly, phone 204-859-3311 or e-mail to rossburnearlylearners(at) They are on Facebook – click here.
Little Cub’s Den Early Learning Center
- Little Cub’s Den is located at 170 Victoria Avenue West
- Opening hours: from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
- 4 infant spaces and 16 preschool/school-age spaces
- Full-time, part-time or casual care (depending on space availability)
Rossburn Nursery School
- Rossburn Licensed Nursery School is located at 108 Victoria Avenue East (in Rossburn Elementary School)
- School hours: Tuesday & Thursday: 9:00 am – 12:05 pm (3 & 4 year olds), 12:35 pm – 3:15 pm (4 year olds)
- Up to 16 children
Rossburn Schools
Rossburn Schools are within the Park West School Division.
Rossburn Elementary School
You find public playgrounds at Rossman Lake, at Arrow Lake Campground and at Rossburn Elementary School!

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